OfficeTimer provides few pre-defined holidays type such as US, UK etc. Administrator can define the holidays as per their organization rules & region by creating new [Holiday Type].
The administrator can create [Holiday Types] with different configurations and can assign these types separately to each individual employee. The administrator can also select pre-defined holidays comes by default with OfficeTimer. Following settings can be configured using Holiday options available in OfficeTimer.
Selecting Pre-defined Holidays Types:
OfficeTimer comes with different pre-defined holidays set. Administrator can select those pre-defined holidays set from[Admin Options]–>[Holidays]. Once selected pre-defined holidays, administrator can fully edit those holidays types in[Admin Options]–>[Holiday Types].
Holiday Types Setup:
System administrator can setup holiday types policies using[Admin options]—->[Holiday Type].
Adding Holiday Type:
To add new Holiday Type:
- Enter new holiday type in[Holiday Type Information]form which you want to add.
- Click on[Add]to add this[Holiday Type]in OfficeTimer system.
Deleting Holiday Type:
- In[Holiday Type List], click on[Delete]link of record which you want to delete.
- Click on[Yes]on delete confirmation dialog.
Editing Holiday Type:
- In[Holiday Type List], click on[Edit]link of record which you want to modify.
- Update your required modification in[Holiday Type Information]form.
- Click on[Update]button to update this record.
Defining Holidays Details:
After creating of[Holiday Type], administrator can then define holidays days for that particular[Holiday Type]. To define holidays days in holiday type:
- Click on[Holidays]link of[Holiday Type]in which you wish to define holidays.
- Use this page to add, edit and delete holidays days of your selected[Holiday Type]