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Expense codes define the different costs incurred for business activities and purchases. You can create your required expense codes using Expenses option of administration.

Adding expense codes will allow you to identify the types of expenses that may be entered against specific projects.  Expense codes will also allow you to track the kinds of expenses being recorded by OfficeTimer users.

System administrator can setup expenses name using [Admin Options] –> [Expenses]



Setting up Expenses:

Adding new expenses:

To add a new expense, follow these instructions.

  1. Enter new expense name which you want to add in “Expense Information” form.
  2. Select expense type in expense type dropdown.
  3. Enter default expense rate for expense codes which are quantity based. Example of default expense rate is mileage rate for expense “Car Mileage”. Administrator can define rate for that expense here.
  4. Check on “Disabled Editing Of Rate”, if administrator don’t want user to change rates in expense entry. Administrator can disable milage rate editing in expense entry by users, by checking on this checkbox.
  5. Click on [Add] to add this expense code.

Deleting Expense:

  1. In [Expense List], click on [Delete] link of record which you want to delete.
  2. Click on “Yes” on delete confirmation dialog

Editing Expense:

  1. In [Expense List]>, click on [Edit] link of record which you want to modify.
  2. Update your required modification in [Expense Information] form.
  3. Click on [Update] button to update this record.