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To provide an employee or other person access to OfficeTimer, you must add them as a Employee in OfficeTimer.  Typically an employee record should be created in OfficeTimer to allow that employee to enter perform their daily operations through OfficeTimer including task management, time entry, expense entry, project management etc.

  1. Administrator also define role of every employee through which individual employees get their restricted OfficeTimer access according to their role permission defined in Role Permissions.
  2. OfficeTimer also required billing rate of every employee through which OfficeTimer calculate project / task cost for billing purpose.
  3. Administrator also define OfficeTimer login password at time of new employee add.  Later employee can change their own password by doing login in system using.
  4. Employee should be assign in project to execute any activity for that particular project.

emp stup





emp update

Employee Information field:

These are the fields which are required to be entered for entering new employee. There are three types of fields available in employee form.

  1. Personal Information
  2. Login Information
  3. Billing Rate information

Personal Fields:

  • Name prefix
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • State
  • City
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Home phone no
  • Work phone no
  • Time zone

Login Information fields:

  • Login email address
  • Password / verify password
  • Role (Role specify which features of OfficeTimer the user can access.  Administrator can create new role as well as can customize role security using Role Permission option in Admin Options
  • section is initially available in read-only mode, and displays a list of permissions already assigned to the user.
  • Department (Department field of the user profile indicates which department the user is assigned to)
  • Location  (Location field of the user profile indicate which organization location the user is assigned to)

Billing Fields

  • Billing Currency
  • Billing Type
  • Billing Rate
  • Billing Rate start date

Adding new employee:

To add new employee, follow these instructions.

  1. Enter employee personal information, login information and billing information in employee information form.
  2. Click on[Add]to add this employee.

Deleting Employee:

  1. In[Employee List], click on[Delete]link of record which you want to delete.
  2. Click on“Yes”on delete confirmation dialog

Editing Employee:

  1. In[Employee List], click on[Edit]link of record which you want to modify.
  2. Update your required modification in[Employee Information]form.
  3. Click on[Update]button to update this record.