FAQ’sWhy Time off Type not visible in Add Time off Request Page ?
sri Staff asked 5 years ago

I am trying to enter holidays for myself and other members of staff, the time of type is not allowing me to select any kind of time off.



1 Answers
sri Staff answered 5 years ago

I noticed that the time-off types will be made visible only in My Timesheet, you are not able to Add Time off from My Time off Request page.Â
Go to Time-off Types(Advance Settings–>Time of Types) Please refer below screeshot.

Click on Time-off Types you will be displayed with the list of time of Types where you can find column called Request Required updated as NO means time off types will not be visible in My Time-off Add Request Page. 

It will be made visible only in My Timesheet Time-off Type Dropdown. Please refer below screenshot. 

As in above screenshot you can see the Time-off Types will be visible in My Timesheet. 

If you want to make visible the Time-off Type in My Time-off Add Request Page, update the Request Required field in Time of Types to YES by clicking on Edit as shown in below screenshot.

Click on Edit & Disable Show in Timesheet Option and click on Update so that  Request Required will be updated as YES and you will be able to see the Time-off Types in My Time-off Add Request Page.Â