FAQ’sHow to Add Billing Rates for the Project ?
sri Staff asked 5 years ago
I was so used to using old.officetimer.com that I don’t know how to add/update employee hourly billing rates on the newer portal. Please can you provide some guidance on this at your soonest convenience?
1 Answers
sri Staff answered 5 years ago

In your account I noticed that projects are created with two different billing types (Use Employee Own Rate & Use Project Employee Billing Rate)
1. For the projects under Billing Type Use Employee Own Billing Rate Billing rates should  be added at the Employee Level
2. For the Projects under Billing Type Use Project Employee Billing Rate  Billing rates should be added at Project Team Page.

Please find the below screens shows the Billing type selection in the Project Edit Page.

Kindly add the billing rates for the projects created under Billing Type  Use Employee Own Billing Rate  in the Employee Master Page
And also add the Billing rates for the projects created under Billing Type Use Project Employee Billing Rate  in the Project Team Page.