FAQ’sTime Entry and other Email Notification Setup
sri Staff asked 5 years ago

As an administrator, how can I have the OfficeTimer sending an alert to employees who forgot to fill their time sheet?

1 Answers
sri Staff answered 5 years ago

As an Administrator you can set a Notification reminder to be sent to the employee if user forgots to fill his timesheet.

Go to Email Notifications (Advance Settings–>Email Notifcatons) Please refer below screenshot.

Click on Email Notifications as highlighted will display the page of notification list where enable the notification as shown in below screenshot.

Otherway to send an alert for an Employee if due date of filling timesheet has been crossed.
Please refer below screenshot.

Once you configure with this permission process email notification will be sent to the employee as a due notification either in the Inbox or Spam folder of his email account.